Thursday, April 7, 2011

Journal 5

The Internet is so much a world on its own, it already rivals the real life. It is not surprising that there will come a time when people would not go outdoors anymore. Why? We get news,  friends, and everything online. I decided to pick a very important topic called: social networking. They are websites where we can meet people from all over the world and develop relationship, I mean any kind of relationship with those who we share common interests with. These websites in the Internet are more than just to exchange profile information, beliefs and interests of one person to another. In social networking, news and information are disseminated and heard, new friends are known, old friends are known better, work are provided, businesses and transactions are made possible and so on. There are times when even the future can be secured through this. Social networking is invisible yet very tangible as it makes all things possible and gets us where we cannot be physically present at – all these possibilities lie at our fingertips. This is such an innovative way of communicating where we can get to say hello to someone in the other side of the earth  and get things done in front of our computers. While social networking seems to put people together, does it not separate them at the same time? What then happens to real news, real friends and real life outside cyberspace?  The possibilities of asking these questions are endless.


  1. I like your topic, and I also like the idea you told me in class about focusing on Twitter and Facebook since it gives you particular social networking sites to talk about and give specific examples about, and they are the most popular so your audience will most likely understand the particular points that you make. I'm interested to see whether you will stray on the side that social networking sites are indispensable for our social community, or if they should be a warning to us that personal communication face-to-face might become less and less available or necessary and we'll lose that kind of communication ability.

  2. It was very interesting topic for me because your topic was related with my essay. However, we might have opposite view to each other. I am going to talk about the negative parts of the Internet. Meanwhile, it was very helpful to me for I was able to think about counter-side views through your journal. Indeed, your topic let me have more objective eyes and helped my essay to be going better. Also, I did enjoy reading your journal very much. I hope you will write a great essay with this wonderful topic!
    - your classmate, Dabin.
